Installation Instructions


oidc-client requires python 3.6 or higher:

Development Server

For development, OIDC Client can be run without installation as a python module from the root folder /oidc-client:

cd oidc-client
python -m

This starts the OIDC Client with aiohttp.web.run_app.


OIDC Client can be installed into the python environment with pip install from the root folder /oidc-client:

cd oidc-client
pip install .

The server can then be started with the following command:


This starts the OIDC Client with aiohttp.web.run_app.

Production Server

For production it is recommended to use gunicorn instead of aiohttp’s default server for stability.

To start the production server, the web application must first be built, as described in the Installation section above. The host and port must also be provided beforehand in environment variables:

export APP_HOST=
export APP_PORT=8080

The production server is started from the root folder /oidc-client with:

gunicorn --bind $APP_HOST:$APP_PORT \
                              --worker-class aiohttp.GunicornUVLoopWebWorker \
                              --workers 4

Container Deployment

OIDC Client can also be built into a container and then be deployed. Builds must be initiated from the root folder /oidc-client.

To build OIDC Client into an image using s2i:

s2i build . centos/python-36-centos7 cscfi/oidc-client

To run the built image with docker:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 cscfi/oidc-client