
OIDC Client has three configuration levels, that take priority from top to bottom:

  • Environment Variable
  • Configuration File
  • Default Value

Default values can be seen in the configuration file parser, they are the right-most values per row:

def parse_config_file(path):
    """Parse configuration file."""
    config = ConfigParser()
    config_vars = {
        "app": {
            "host": os.environ.get("HOST", config.get("app", "host")) or "",  # nosec
            "port": os.environ.get("PORT", config.get("app", "port")) or 8080,
            "name": os.environ.get("NAME", config.get("app", "name")) or "oidc-client",
            "session_key": os.environ.get("SESSION_KEY", config.get("app", "session_key")) or secrets.token_hex(16),
        "cookie": {
            "domain": os.environ.get("DOMAIN", config.get("cookie", "domain")) or "localhost",
            "token_lifetime": int(os.environ.get("TOKEN_LIFETIME", config.get("cookie", "token_lifetime"))) or 3600,
            "state_lifetime": int(os.environ.get("STATE_LIFETIME", config.get("cookie", "state_lifetime"))) or 300,
            "secure": bool(strtobool(os.environ.get("SECURE", config.get("cookie", "secure")))) or True,
            "http_only": bool(strtobool(os.environ.get("HTTP_ONLY", config.get("cookie", "http_only")))) or True,
        "aai": {
            "client_id": os.environ.get("CLIENT_ID", config.get("aai", "client_id")) or "public",
            "client_secret": os.environ.get("CLIENT_SECRET", config.get("aai", "client_secret")) or "secret",
            "url_auth": os.environ.get("URL_AUTH", config.get("aai", "url_auth")) or None,
            "url_token": os.environ.get("URL_TOKEN", config.get("aai", "url_token")) or None,
            "url_userinfo": os.environ.get("URL_USERINFO", config.get("aai", "url_userinfo")) or None,
            "url_callback": os.environ.get("URL_CALLBACK", config.get("aai", "url_callback")) or None,
            "url_redirect": os.environ.get("URL_REDIRECT", config.get("aai", "url_redirect")) or None,
            "url_revoke": os.environ.get("URL_REVOKE", config.get("aai", "url_revoke")) or None,
            "scope": os.environ.get("SCOPE", config.get("aai", "scope")) or "openid",
            "iss": os.environ.get("ISS", config.get("aai", "iss")) or None,
            "aud": os.environ.get("AUD", config.get("aai", "aud")) or None,
            "jwk_server": os.environ.get("JWK_SERVER", config.get("aai", "jwk_server")) or None,
    return namedtuple("Config", config_vars.keys())(*config_vars.values())

The default values can be overwritten and saved to file in the config.ini configuration file. The configuration file has three basic sections: app for application configuration, cookie for cookie settings and aai for oidc client configuration. In addition, a fourth extra section for ELIXIR use case is provided as elixir. Custom sections can be added freely following the same manner.

Application Configuration

# ****************************************
# Configuration for oidc-client web server
# ****************************************
# Hostname for oidc-client server

# Port for oidc-client server

# Name for this API shown at root endpoint `/`

# Secret key to encrypt session storage, must be exactly 32 characters
# If left empty, a session key will be generated with secrets.token_hex(16)
# Share this key with other services, which need to decrypt the AIOHTTP_SESSION cookie

AAI Server Configuration

# ****************************
# Configuration for AAI server
# ****************************
# Client ID of oidc-client

# Client secret for Client ID

# URL where authentication workflow begins

# URL that returns access token

# URL for the userinfo endpoint at AAI

# URL the AAI should return to after authentication

# URL the OIDC Client should redirect to after authentication

# URL to the token revocation endpoint at AAI

# Claims requested for access token, for multiple values separate scopes by commas ','

# Trusted issuers of access token, separate multiple issuers with commas ','

# Intended audiences of access token, separate multiple audiences with commas ','

# Server that returns JWK

Environment Variables

The values in the configuration file can be overwritten with environment variables using the exact same name in all capital letters. For example:

To overwrite the web application port from 8080 to 3000, one set the following environment variable:

export PORT=3000


Environment variables HOST and PORT are used when running the web application with aiohttp. When running the web application in production server using gunicorn, environment variables APP_HOST and APP_PORT are used instead. More on this topic in the Setup Instructions.